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This blog was created by the Palestine Israel Action Group (PIAG), a subcommittee of the Peace and Social Concerns Committee of Ann Arbor Friends Meeting. PIAG's deep concern about the 67-year old conflict has led us to action, education, and dialogue. We hope to contribute to a solution that is perceived as workable and fair by reasonable people on both sides.The blog is not meant to represent the views of Ann Arbor Friends Meeting as a whole. Relevant, civil comments will be posted.
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Holiday Message from Jean Zaru in Ramallah
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Talking Points on Current Violence in Israel/Palestine
Please write, comment, tweet, or call the media on their one-sided coverage of the current violence in Israel/Palestine. Here are some talking points:
Whether it's FOX News, CNN, or the New York Times, most U.S. news reflects a right wing Israeli point of view. Ironically, Israeli media, notably Ha'aretz, cover many sides to the story.
According to a Jewish Voice for Peace report (http://tellthenyt.org/) over 50% of New York Times headlines have depicted Palestinians as the instigators of violence, while no headlines depicted Israelis as aggressors. Palestinians were referred to as terrorists 41 times, while the term was used four times (including quotes from Palestinians) to refor to violent Israeli actions intended to terrorize Palestinians. The terms "attack/s" or "attackers" were used 110 times to describe Palestinian actions and people, and 17 times to desribe Israelis. This is important since no media organization is more influential in shaping the way American policymakers and news outlets think about Israel and Palestine than the New York Times.
Eight Jewish Israelis have died in attacks by Palestinians. 64 Palestinians have been killed (as of 10.30.15) by Israeli fire and over 7200 injured, many of whom were only suspected of engaging in violence.
Attacks by disaffected Palestinian youth are the inevitable result of decades of occupation, dispossession and state violence.
The emotional violence of humiliation at check points, imprisonment without trial, and seeing one's children snatched from their beds at night by heavily armed soldiers; the violence of words when racist mobs are allowed to roam the streets, or when Palestinian suffering is denied, diminished, or belittled, or when youth are forced to sign confessions in a language they do not understand; the violence against personal property when Palestinian homes, orchards, and water storage tanks are demolished; the violence of the deliberate destruction of critial infrastructure, such as Gaza's electrical grid and water treatment plant during Israeli bombing attacks in 2014; the physical violence of beatings, tear gas, and shooting with live fire; and the sadistic violence of all-out war against a population (in Gaza) that is not allowed any means of escape.
Knife attacks on Israelis by Palestinian youth are uncoordinated. None of the youth were recruited, indoctrinated, or controlled by others.
The Palestinian Medical Relief Society reports that Israeli security has targeted medical professionals, first aid providers, nurses, and ambulance drivers with live fire and metal bullets. Forty one journalists have been injured.
Under the current arrangement, Israel is receiving $3 billion in U.S. military aid per year, most of which is used to purchace U.S. military hardware such as fighter jets and missle defense systems. The U.S. has offered to increase military aid to Iarael by another $1.5 billion per year to ease tensions over the nuclear deal with Iran. https://www.rt.com/usa/310049-us-military-aid-israel/
Heed the Palestinian call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel. Spread the word about the biased news coverage of the current violence. Write to U.S. administration officials. Visit your members of Congress. Sign on-line petitions. Write or tweet questions to presidential candidates during debates. Support campus student groups and faculty who are targeted by right-wing, pro-Israel organizations. Post articles on Facebook and Twitter.
as in all struggles for justice and human equality, “the oppressor” is not
monolithic. Many thoughtful Israelis and American Jews support Palestinian
freedom. (Photo courtesy Jewish Voice for Peace)
• 972 http://972mag.com/ (Jewish/Israeli
writers who oppose the occupation)
• Ma’an News Agency
• Ha’aretz http://www.haaretz.com/ (Israel’s liberal newspapter)
• Mondoweiss http://mondoweiss.net/ (U.S.
analyses of US foreign policy)
• Electronic Intifada
https://electronicintifada.net/ (Independent online news)
• PIAG’s blog
Thursday, October 22, 2015
In the War of Information, Truth is the Loser
mid-September, violence in Israel/Palestine has spiraled out of control.

Threats to the religious integrity of Jerusalem’s Al Aqsa Mosque have prompted a spate of stabbings by disaffected Palestinian youth on Israeli police, military personnel, and random citizens.
The deaths of eight Jewish Israelis from these attacks have led to an extreme crackdown by Israeli security forces.
According to the Ministry of Health, since October 1, 2015, 64 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli fire and 7200 injured in the West Bank and Jeruselem, many of whom were only suspected of engaging in violence. See stats here. The Palestinian Medical Relief Society reports that Israeli security has targeted medical professionals, first aid providers, nurses, and ambulance drivers with live fire and metal bullets. Forty one journalists have been injured.
In the Israeli
street, fear and rage have taken over. Racist mobs roam the streets of Jerusalem shouting "Death to Arabs." Video footage circulating on social media in mid-October showed 13-year-old Ahmad Manasra, whose limbs lay at unnatural angles after being run over following a knife attack in the Pisgat Zeev settlement near East Jerusalem (here). As he attempts to rise, onlookers taunt him: "Die! Son of a whore, die," and exhort police to "give him one in the head." Other videos show young people being shot with their hands raised, apparently in surrender, or shot in the back as they try to flee.
Instead of
calming the population and reining in the police, some Israeli politicians and
senior police officers have openly called for the extrajudicial killing of
suspects and have urged civilians to carry weapons. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu recently added more fuel to the fire by claiming, bizarrely, that it
was Jerusalem’s Grand Mufti who persuaded Adolf Hitler to exterminate the Jews.
It took German Chancellor Angela Merkel to correct Netanyahu’s distorted view
of history.
Despite the
mayhem, mainstream US media continue to ignore Palestinian deaths and injuries
and the decades of repression, isolation, and enforced poverty that have brought
Palestinian youth to the breaking point. As Jewish Voice for Peace reports, “no
media organization is more influential in shaping the way American policymakers
and news outlets think about Israel and Palestine than the New York Times. But
with some notable exceptions, the Times has done a shamefully poor job of
including the historical and political context readers need to understand the
roots of the current uprising.”
Some examples:
Over 50% of New York Times headlines depicted Palestinians as the instigators
of violence, while no headlines depicted Israelis as aggressors. Palestinians
were referred to as terrorists 41 times, while the term was used four times
(including quotes from Palestinians) to refer to violent Israeli actions
intended to terrorize Palestinians. The terms “attack(s)” or “attackers” were
used 110 times to describe Palestinian actions and people, and 17 times to
describe Israelis.
Nor has the U.S. media reported the coalitions of Palestinians and Israelis who are marching together, vowing, "We will not surrender to despair!"
Nor has the U.S. media reported the coalitions of Palestinians and Israelis who are marching together, vowing, "We will not surrender to despair!"
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Peace Now |
join PIAG in responding to one-sided media reports by calling, writing, or
posting comments that add missing information and context, which can be found
on alternative media such as Democracy Now, Juan Cole’s Informed Comment,
the American Friends Service Committee and other posts on PIAG's blog.
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Frustration and Fear
What do the majority of Palestinians and Israelis think about
prospects for a just and secure peace in the region? Here are some results of recent
polls conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research in theWest Bank and Gaza Strip and the Harry S. Truman Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem:
After the formation of the right wing government in
Israel in May 2015, 79% of Palestinians were pessimistic about the future of
Israeli-Palestinian relations.
Only 32 percent of Palestinians believe an independent Palestinian state can still be achieved.

An overwhelming 85% of Palestinians believe Israel’s long-term aspiration is “to annex the lands occupied in 1967 and expel their population or deny them their rights,” with only 15% believing that Israel intends to withdraw from the occupied territory. Israelis are suspicious as well: Forty-three percent think that Palestinian aspirations in the long run are to conquer the State of Israel and destroy much of its Jewish population.
It is not surprising that among Palestinians, Gazans are
experiencing the worst conditions and the most pessimism about the future.
Fully half of Gazans polled said they are considering emigration from the Gaza
Strip. This is the highest percentage ever recorded in these polls.

Nevertheless, cynicism about government remains high. Seventy nine percent of Palestinians believe that corruption exists in Palestinian Authority institutions. Only 33% say people in the West Bank can criticize the PA without fear.
Most troubling for the future of the region, Palestinian
support for armed resistance to Israel has risen from 36 percent three months
ago to 42 percent today, with a startling 57 percent now supporting a return to
an armed intifada, or uprising.

Still, support for nonviolent resistance remains high. An overwhelming majority of Palestinians – 86% -- support the campaign to boycott Israel and impose sanctions on it, and 64% believe that the boycott of Israeli products will be effective in helping to end the Israeli occupation.
Two thirds of the public support Hamas-Israel indirect negotiations over a long term Hudna, or truce, in return for ending the siege over the Gaza Strip.
But a majority believes that these negotiations will not succeed.
Thursday, September 10, 2015
An Open Letter to the American Friends Service Committee
From: Palestine Israel Action Group (PIAG)
Re: AFSC’s position on the expulsion of Alison Weir from
the U.S. Campaign to End the Occupation
The Context: The U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation is a coalition of social justice groups working for a just peace in Israel/Palestine. The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), the social justice "arm" of the Religious Society of Friends, is a member of the U.S. Campaign, and in that capacity, agreed to the expulsion of Alison Weir and her organization, If Americans Knew, from the coalition The reason, apparently, was that an unnamed individual or organization within the coalition had prepared a dossier of Weir's actions, some dating back five years or more, which, in the accusers' opinion, did not sufficiently contest the racism or anti-Semitism of the individual hosting her talks. The idea of discrediting a long-time activist's effectiveness by seizing on a "flaw" in her work was worrisome not only to PIAG, but to many other defenders of Weir's activism. Mike Merryman-Lotze, speaking for AFSC, defends its actions by saying that as anti-racist activists, we "must" confront oppression directly wherever we find it. It has even been insinuated that PIAG members' questioning of AFSC's position is racist in and of itself. This open letter is a reply to these claims. More details of the controversy can be found here and here.
The Context: The U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation is a coalition of social justice groups working for a just peace in Israel/Palestine. The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), the social justice "arm" of the Religious Society of Friends, is a member of the U.S. Campaign, and in that capacity, agreed to the expulsion of Alison Weir and her organization, If Americans Knew, from the coalition The reason, apparently, was that an unnamed individual or organization within the coalition had prepared a dossier of Weir's actions, some dating back five years or more, which, in the accusers' opinion, did not sufficiently contest the racism or anti-Semitism of the individual hosting her talks. The idea of discrediting a long-time activist's effectiveness by seizing on a "flaw" in her work was worrisome not only to PIAG, but to many other defenders of Weir's activism. Mike Merryman-Lotze, speaking for AFSC, defends its actions by saying that as anti-racist activists, we "must" confront oppression directly wherever we find it. It has even been insinuated that PIAG members' questioning of AFSC's position is racist in and of itself. This open letter is a reply to these claims. More details of the controversy can be found here and here.
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Ann Arbor Friends Meeting |
As a subcommittee of the Peace and
Social Concerns Committee of Ann Arbor Friends Meeting, PIAG

In short, we are knowledgeable, seasoned activists who are strongly committed to working for justice and equality wherever that work may lead us.
It is in the spirit of our anti-oppression work that we
take issue with the message in AFSC’s online communication, IMPACT;
specifically, the post by Mike Merryman-Lotze on AFSC’s Acting in Faith blog, “Palestine Activism in an Anti-Racism Framework” (8/10/2015). We find a disturbing disconnect between the statement:
“At AFSC, our work is guided by the Quaker belief that all people are equal in
the eyes of God” and the participation of AFSC in the denunciation of one
particular person, Alison Weir, and her longstanding work for justice inIsrael/Palestine – work which PIAG deeply respects.
We are also troubled by the insistence that “we” (that is, we presume, Quakers
engaged in anti-racism work) “must” act in particular ways, choosing certain
tactics, methods, analyses, and goals over others. We cannot agree, as Quakers,
that everyone must see the truth in the same way, analyze human behavior in the
same way, and agree to work according to principles put forth by any social
justice organization, however well-intentioned.
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George Fox |
As Fox told the assembled at Ulverston steeple-house, “You will
say ‘Christ saith this, and the apostles say this,’ but what canst thou say? Art thou a child of the Light,
and hast thou walked in the Light, and what thou speakest, is it inwardly from
We agree that anti-racism
efforts that counter prejudice and bigotry on every possible occasion can be
meaningful work. We agree that oppressions are linked and widespread and that
opposing only one form of bigotry may not be enough. But we do not agree that
everyone must accept these insights as the only way to see and be guided by the
light. As Quakers, we strive for inclusion of ideas and perspectives. We have
faith in Quaker process in resolving disagreements, rather than removing
individuals and groups from the family when their beliefs and practices
threaten our vision of the truth.
PIAG continues to
promote vigorous, open debate, a multitude of paths toward justice, and a focus
not on transgression, but on the Inner Light, the spirit of the Divine that resides
in every human soul.
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Early Quaker Meeting |
This message was
one of the earliest and most radical challenges to the dogmatism and demands
for obedience required by the Christian Church in 17 th century England. The statement was so compelling that it later
formed the basis of Quakerism: There is no dogma. There are no “musts” in
Quaker belief and practice. It is enough that Quakers be inspired by the values
of simplicity, peace, integrity, community, and equality, and that we work to
incorporate these abstract, but profound Quaker values into our lives and the
lives of others as we see fit.

We do not dispute
the “right” of the U.S. Campaign to End the Occupation to remove any member of the group as the
leadership sees fit. But we have seen the effects of that removal: fear and
silencing (“Who among us will be next?”) discord and schism, and a loss of
focus on Palestinian freedom. Unfortunately, as we have come to understand, righteous
zeal creates its own oppression.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Water is a Human Right
In Stockholm at the end of August, World Water Week focused
on the needs of impoverished communities for clean water – or any water at all.
A United Nations report in March said the world faces a 40 percent shortfall in
water supplies in the next 15 years due to urbanization, population growth and
growing demand for water for food production, energy and industry. But the root
cause of water shortage is often political. Occasionally, it is deliberately
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Swimming pool in Eilat |
In the West Bank, while Israelis water their lawns,
irrigate crops and swim in Olympic-sized pools, Palestinians living a few
kilometers away are sweltering and thirsty. A report from the United Nations
found that the average Israeli settler uses 300 liters of water per day. But Israeli
restrictions ensure that the average Palestinian in the occupied West Bank gets
only about 70 liters, well below the 100 liter daily amount advocated by the
World Health Organization.
Despite its location in a region thought to be
perennially dry, Israel-Palestine actually has ample natural freshwater
resources in the form of underwater aquifers and the Jordan River. Palestinians
in the West Bank and Israeli settlers live in equal proximity to these
resources, which should allow for equal consumption. But ever since its
foundation, Israel has controlled the water supply for the region, first by
military edicts, and later through Mekarot,
the Israeli national water company.
To this day, Israel requires Palestinians
to obtain permits from the military to build new water infrastructure. If they
build new wells, springs, or even rain-collecting containers without Israeli
permission, soldiers confiscate or destroy them, often without prior
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Settlers vandalize Palestinian water tanks |
Israeli settlers, emboldened by government indifference,
cruelly vandalize Palestinian community water storage tanks. Fifty-six water
springs near Israeli settlements have become the target of “systematic settler
Even when Palestinians attempt to go through the ‘proper’
Israeli channels, they’re met with innumerable obstacles. Israeli regulatory
organizations have created a bureaucratic nightmare for West Bank residents
attempting to acquire permits to either build new instillations or repair the
region’s infrastructure.
The most striking inequality lies in the division of the
Mountain Aquifer, the only underground water source that Palestinians in the
West Bank are allowed to access. Despite it being the sole water source for the
territory, Israeli regulations ensure that 80% of the rain that falls on the
West Bank flows underground to Israel, while Palestinian extraction is limited
to 20% of the aquifer’s total capacity.
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Palestinian boy totes water for his family |
Water, a life-giving natural resource, is both a human
need and a human right. Whether in Detroit, or California, or Palestine,
deliberate policy should not deprive the most vulnerable
of a region’s ample resources.
Shakir, L. (2015, August 24). Palestine: “Dying of Thirst.” The Drought is
Deliberately Inflicted by Israel. Global Research. http://www.globalresearch.ca/think-californias-drought-is-bad-try-palestines/5471179
United Nations Office for the Coordination of
Humanitarian Affairs occupied Palestinian territory. (2012, March). Special
Focus: How Dispossession Happens. https://www.ochaopt.org/documents/ocha_opt_springs_report_march_2012_english.pdf
Vatican Radio. (2015, August 24). Stockholm World Water
Week Focuses on Development. http://en.radiovaticana.va/news/2015/08/24/stockholm_world_water_week_focuses_on_development/1167141
Water Resources in Israel. https://waterresourcesandersen.wordpress.com/
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
"No Way To Treat A Child"
Each year, an estimated 700 Palestinian children are prosecuted in two Israeli military courts operating in the West Bank. Their crime? In most cases, simply throwing stones. According to UNICEF and Defense for Children International, Palestinian children picked up by the IDF are routinely ill-treated, even tortured, with impunity.
They may be pulled out of
bed in the middle of the night by heavily armed soldiers. They may be blindfolded
and handcuffed, separated from their parents, denied access to a lawyer, and threatened
with physical and emotional abuse, including violence to family members. They
may be placed in isolation, beaten, choked, and coerced into a confession in Hebrew,
a language they do not understand.
This treatment is not carried out by a few
“bad apples,” but “appears to be widespread, systemic, and institutionalized,”
according to a 2013 UNICEF report.

This abuse must stop.
Why single out Israel for its mistreatment of children in military detention?
Because we expect “the most humane army in the world” to do better. And because Israel’s practice of routinely trying children in military courts is unprecedented. As UNICEF says: “It is understood that in no other country are children systematically tried by juvenile military courts that, by definition, fall short of providing the necessary guarantees to ensure respect for their rights.”
Why single out Israel for its mistreatment of children in military detention?
Because we expect “the most humane army in the world” to do better. And because Israel’s practice of routinely trying children in military courts is unprecedented. As UNICEF says: “It is understood that in no other country are children systematically tried by juvenile military courts that, by definition, fall short of providing the necessary guarantees to ensure respect for their rights.”
Even U.S. Congress members are taking action. In a letter
to Secretary of State John Kerry, nineteen Congress members urged the
Department of State to “elevate the human rights of Palestinian children to a
priority status in our bilateral relationship with the Government of Israel.” Citing
UNICEF’s “profoundly disturbing” report regarding the “cruel, inhuman, and
degrading treatment and punishment” of Palestinian children in Israeli military
detention, the officials emphasized that “progress to ensure Palestinian
children’s rights are not abused is in the interest of the U.S., Israel, and
the Palestinian people.”

Children’s rights are human rights.
Palestinian children need our advocacy.
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Assault on Gaza, One Year Later
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"Operation Protective Edge" |
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Flooded street in Gaza |
In addition to the human devastation, “Operation Protective Edge” destroyed homes, schools, municipal buildings, and power, water, and sewer systems – the basic infrastructure so many of us take for granted. Israeli attacks caused widespread damage to Gaza’s already frail and dilapidated electrical grid, run down and in disrepair after nearly 9 years of siege and blockade. In last summer’s attack, Israel intentionally bombed Gaza’s only power plant, knocking it out of commission indefinitely, prompting Amnesty International to condemn the attack as an act of “collective punishment” against the entire population. Without electricity, water treatment plants could not function, leading to the release of raw sewage into open pools, farmland, and the Mediterranean Sea. By last August, 15 tons of solid waste had leaked into the streets of Gaza.
How are the living conditions in Gaza today?
In the 11 months since a ceasefire agreement was signed between Israel and the
Palestinians, Israel has refused to allow in the building materials needed to
reconstruct Gaza’s infrastructure. Tens of thousands of Palestinian families
continue to live among the rubble of their houses without electricity or
running water. Aid agencies report that malnutrition is spreading.
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World War II, Montebourg, France |
Imagine the ruins of World War II in Europe: cities reduced
to rubble, children hungry and homeless, families decimated. Like those
Europeans, Palestinians are resilient, creative and ready to work to rebuild.
The children of Gaza still have hopes and dreams for their future. Take a look
at this sweet little video of Palestinian children against the backdrop of
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WWII Marshall Plan |
Yet unlike post-WWII Europe, where the U.S. launched a
massive Marshall Plan to help countries on both sides of the conflict rebuild,
Gaza remains under a strict military blockade. Its export sector has virtually
disappeared and the manufacturing sector has shrunk by 60%. Even prior to the
assault, Gaza’s unemployment rate was 46% -- the highest in the world. 35% of
the available agricultural land is now unsafe for Gazans to use. 97% of the
water supplied through the municipal networks is still unfit for human
Fortunately, the United
Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) has been delivering
aid through it all to Gaza as well as to Palestinian refugees in the West Bank,
Syria, Lebanon and Jordan – five million in all). Despite incredible
challenges, UNRWA is providing schools and teachers, primary health care,
emergency food aid, psychological counseling, vocational training and
microfinance loans, and is leading the efforts to import vital construction
materials. We can support UNRWA online: www.unrwausa.org
Yet the people of Gaza do not want to rely on this
critical international aid for the long term. They’re not even hoping for a Marshall Plan. What
will help Gaza the most is our work toward the larger goals: peace and security
throughout the region, the resettlement of refugees, an unconstrained economy,
the reopening of schools and hospitals, just compensation for confiscated lands
and properties, an end to racist assaults and illegal imprisonment – in short,
a return to “ordinary life.” Who would
ask for more – or less?
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Where Movements Converge
Question: What do environmentalists, labor unions, family farm
supporters, consumer groups, Internet freedom advocates, and Palestinian human
rights organizations have in common?
Answer: Opposition to Fast Track authority for the
Trans-Pacific Partnership
In an unprecedented show of unity, over two thousand
organizations, including the progressive Jewish Voice for Peace, have signed a
joint letter to the U.S. Congress urging opposition to Fast Track legislation
that has been making its way through the legislature this spring.
Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of
Teachers, offers the reasons why so many progressive groups are leery of fast
track authority for the TPP: “While we are not currently permitted to see the
terms of the new trade deal, what we do know is the Fast Track process enables
trade deals that hurt everyday Americans and stack the deck in favor of
corporations. It limits public and congressional oversight and does not allow
effective enforcement. We need trade
policy that strengthens our country — ensuring the rights of workers, and
protecting consumers and the environment. We need a democratic and transparent
trade process that offers a fair shake for American workers. Fast Track fails
these standards and should be rejected.”
But Fast Track authority for the TPP would not only threaten
the quality of life of ordinary Americans. Amendments have been tacked on –
amendments backed by AIPAC, the powerful right-wing “pro-Israel” lobby that
would discourage and penalize boycotts against Israel and erase the distinction
between Israel and the Palestinian territories it occupies.
As Jewish Voice for Peace federal policy organizer Rabbi
Joseph Berman explains: “JVP opposes ‘Fast-Track’ not only because it is
anti-democratic and bad for workers and the environment, but because it will
also legitimize support for illegal Israeli settlements and impede efforts to
apply non-violent pressure to hold Israel to the standards of international law
and human rights norms.” In fact, these amendments make discouraging the BDS campaign
“one of the principal U.S. trade negotiating objectives.”
These anti-BDS amendments suggest common interests
between those who would grant ever more authority to powerful corporations and
those who would privilege Israeli control at the expense of Palestinians. This
fact alone should provide us with food for thought.
Yet the attempt to
delegitimize BDS through binding international legislation also suggests that the
BDS movement has grown to become a powerful nonviolent threat to the Israeli
right. Public opinion is changing.
Says JVP: Across the U.S., millions of people inside and outside of the Jewish community are taking a long hard look at Israel's human rights abuses. Elected leaders who'd been too scared to speak out are raising their voices.
Academics and students are building power on campuses, where once it simply wouldn't have been possible.
Even Pope Francis has added the moral voice of the Vatican to the fray by signing a treaty that recognizes the "state of Palestine."
Our work is bearing fruit. The times they are a-changing.

Says JVP: Across the U.S., millions of people inside and outside of the Jewish community are taking a long hard look at Israel's human rights abuses. Elected leaders who'd been too scared to speak out are raising their voices.
Academics and students are building power on campuses, where once it simply wouldn't have been possible.
Even Pope Francis has added the moral voice of the Vatican to the fray by signing a treaty that recognizes the "state of Palestine."
Our work is bearing fruit. The times they are a-changing.
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
NEW AFSC Screening Tool
Good news! The American Friends Service Committee has launched
an online tool for screening companies that are complicit in ongoing severe
violations of human rights and international law in Israel/Palestine. One may
be surprised to find who is profiting from the suffering of others. Please have
a look at www.afsc.org/investigate
Many socially responsible funds screen out major weapons
manufacturers and companies with poor records of environmental or labor
protection. However, corporate complicity in severe human rights violations in
Israel/Palestine is often not taken into account explicitly in these
considerations. The new tool developed by AFSC identifies specific violations,
lists relevant public campaigns targeting these companies, and provides
information on initiatives taken by responsible investors around the world to
influence and change that corporate behavior.
To check the status of your
mutual fund investments go to the fund providers' website to obtain the latest
report with a list of holdings and scan the report with our tool. Once you have
completed your initial scan you can contact your fund providers to ask for an
updated list of holdings and to share with them your specific concerns.
If your fund already
advertises itself as socially responsible, ask your money managers if they
screen for human rights abuses and violations of international law in
Israel/Palestine. Suggest they use our tool to identify corporate violators and
incorporate our information into their decision making process. Information
about corporate violations in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory has
not been readily accessible to investors until recently.
Finally, it is important to note that some of the
companies engaged in problematic business practices in the occupied Palestinian
territories are also involved in problematic practices elsewhere. As a result,
a number of socially responsible funds are already Occupation-Free, meaning
they currently have no investments in the main corporate violators in
The following is a list of socially responsible mutual funds whose latest annual reports are Occupation-Free according to AFSC’s scans. However, this does not mean that any of these funds have actively screened for occupation-related violations, or that they will remain Occupation-Free throughout 2015.
The following is a list of socially responsible mutual funds whose latest annual reports are Occupation-Free according to AFSC’s scans. However, this does not mean that any of these funds have actively screened for occupation-related violations, or that they will remain Occupation-Free throughout 2015.
American Trust Allegiance Fund (ATAFX)
Appleseed Fund (APPLX)
Ariel Fund (ARGFX)
Ariel Fund (ARGFX)
Appreciation Fund (CAAPX)
Ariel International Fund (AINTX)
Ariel International Fund (AINTX)
Global Fund (AGLOX)
Azzad Ethical Fund (ADJEX)
Azzad Ethical Fund (ADJEX)
Green Century Balanced Fund (GCBLX)
Green Century Balanced Fund (GCBLX)
Neuberger Berman Socially Responsive Fund (NBSRX)
New Alternatives Fund (NALFX)
Parnassus Endeavor Fund (PARWX)
Parnassus Endeavor Fund (PARWX)
Fund (PARNX)
Walden Asset Managment Fund (WSBFX)
Walden Asset Managment Fund (WSBFX)
21 Global Equity Fund (PORTX)
Walden Midcap Fund (WAMFX)
Walden Equity Fund (WSEFX)
Friday, March 20, 2015
Bad News? Or Good News in Disguise?
There will be
No peace-minded government.
After these elections
There can be
A strong
Peace-minded opposition
Of Jews and Arabs
The struggle
Has just begun
So goes a Gush Shalom (Peace Bloc) advertisement that
appeared in the Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz on March 20, 2015, just
after the results of the election were announced. Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu’s Likud Party had been declared the winner in an exceptionally close
race with the Zionist Union, a centrist coalition led by Labor Party
leader Isaac Herzog.
In a last-ditch attempt to gain the support of far-right voters, Netanyahu had made a fateful promise: As long as he serves as prime minister of Israel there will be no independent Palestinian nation.
In a last-ditch attempt to gain the support of far-right voters, Netanyahu had made a fateful promise: As long as he serves as prime minister of Israel there will be no independent Palestinian nation.
Perhaps even more troubling, Netanyahu had racialized the political process by warning Jews that Israeli Arabs were turning out “in droves” to cast ballots.
His strategy seems to have worked. Right-wing, ultra-nationalist voters propelled the Likud party to an overwhelming victory.
these election results bad news or good news for a just peace in
Israel/Palestine? On the one hand, Netanyahu’s promise to block a two-state
solution scuttles any attempt at a U.S.-brokered peace process, and openly
declares what Palestinians had suspected all along: Israel has no interest in
easing the suffering of Palestinians in any meaningful way, much less ending
the Occupation.
But some Palestinians see this bad news as not so bad after all. The open declaration that they no longer have a negotiating partner could strengthen their case for full statehood and recognition in the United Nations. Already, Palestinians have j oined UNESCO and the International Criminal Court, and they are studying the possibility of signing a host of international treaties, increasing the credibility of their bid for a nation of their own.
In addition, the fact that a solution will not be found through the standard political process may open the way for a "strong, peace-minded opposition of Jews and Arabs" to work together with their international allies more closely and effectively. Nonviolent tactics such as the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions campaign are now in an even stronger position to challenge Israeli political and economic interests that benefit from maintaining the status quo. The Obama administration, already furious at Netanyahu's attempts to derail U.S. talks with Iran, might be persuaded to stop vetoing Palestinian efforts to engage the United Nations.
And for Quakers with their growing commitment to boycott and divestment, more creative action may now be worth exploring. As Gush Shalom says, "The struggle has just begun.

In addition, the fact that a solution will not be found through the standard political process may open the way for a "strong, peace-minded opposition of Jews and Arabs" to work together with their international allies more closely and effectively. Nonviolent tactics such as the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions campaign are now in an even stronger position to challenge Israeli political and economic interests that benefit from maintaining the status quo. The Obama administration, already furious at Netanyahu's attempts to derail U.S. talks with Iran, might be persuaded to stop vetoing Palestinian efforts to engage the United Nations.

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